Healing through mindfulness, sobriety and connection to community.
Free Yourself from the Victim Mindset: Take Back Control of Your Life
Aren't we more powerful than the sum of all the bad things that have happened to us? Are outside influences on our behavior so great that we are unable to overcome them? And at what point do we need to fight to take back control over our own lives?
Transform Regret into Growth
Regardless of the size of the regret, we typically run from this feeling. It doesn’t feel good to wish that we would have done something differently, especially when there’s not much we can do about it now. And while the sentiment behind living with “No Regrets” sounds nice, it’s an impossible undertaking, not to mention that it impedes your growth as a human being.
How Houseplants Can Improve Our Mental Health
Plants add beauty to our home, help filter the air and also support better mental health. I’ll tell you my top 5 tips I use to keep all of my greenery happy and healthy and give you my recommendations for the easiest plants to take care of. By the time you’re done, I promise those with even the blackest of thumbs will be able to keep a plant alive and enjoy the benefits of bringing nature into your home.